
When I first received the brief for the Armour project my initial reactions were to look at armour as a form of defence, to protect something against harm, to create a shield or barrier to separate it or hide it. I looked into the different ways which something could be protected, looking at different buildings, environments and social groups.
My first step in the project was looking at the idea of hiding. There are many different ways in which someone or something could hide, this could be through camouflage, child's games or by putting on a persona and hiding behind lies or secrets or by trying to fit into a social group. Camouflage is one of the best forms of defence and can render someone almost invisible, you cannot be harmed if no one can see you! Camouflage doesn't start and end with the army, it can also relate to someone blending into a crowd or by something being placed in an unusual place that no one would think to look in.
I'm also interested in the possibilities of a temporary armour, perhaps made from pastry or another long lasting food. I like the idea of someone having to break through it to reach something delicate beneath it, also that the pastry is solid and strong so long as no force is applied to it. It would be interesting to make a suit of pasty armour, it would form a small amount of protection but at the same time being completely useless.
Another possibility for exploration is the protection of delicate objects, such as a bird or a flower, and encasing it in something hard which would protect it from all but the fiercest of blows or attacks. Protection could be gained from the most common of objects or could be made to fit it exactly, making it one of a kind.
I'm looking forward to being able to test out my ideas and to create samples which are both useful, if only to the object, and visually stimulating at the same time. I want to create a sense of wonder in the viewer and to make them want to reach out and touch the piece to satisfy their curiosity.