Wednesday 19 May 2010


VEASYBLE is designed to hide and protect people in a society where personal intimacy is constantly invaded. One of the key words behind their work is isolation, their products create an isolation from the ever changing environment we live in whenever we should need it. Their accessories vary in size and position on the body, they're designed to cover the eyes, ears, face and upper body, and unfold over the body with a simple hand movement. The colour of the accessories is also key in the effect of each screen, white exudes a feeling of calm and relaxation which is difficult to find in the multicoloured, bustling world we live in. 
Their products are made from a paper bonded to polyethylene and fabric which gives the accessories strength, durability and flexibility necessary if they were to withstand regular use. This material would be appropriate to my origami pieces if they were to be used as a means of storage, it would give them more rigidity but still be flexible enough to be folded and manipulated. I'd be keen to use a material similar to this to provide my products with a material curiosity, giving them a feel of durability and value. 
The accessories are reminiscent of my initial starting point in this project where I was looking into the idea of a person being able to hide within our society through clothing and the way we project ourselves. I have been interested in the idea of things being hidden away and like the playfulness which VEASYABLE have managed to capture with their products and would hope that I could capture some of this in my finished pieces.

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